100 Metre Rimfire British Columbia Provincial Match

100 Metre Rimfire British Columbia Provincial Match

100 Metre Rimfire British Columbia Provincial Match

230 230 people viewed this event.

100 Metre Rimfire BC Provincials

September 19th 2021

The Rifle Range will be closed for this event for participants only.

The Deadline for entries is September 1 in order to order medals for the various classes.

Entry fees can be sent to me via EMT to secure your bench and position.

The Guest policy has been removed and the event is open.

Registration form link below!


All questions should be directed to me.

Mel McIntosh
100 Metre Rimfire Chair.


Date And Time

2021-09-19 @ 09:00 AM to
2021-09-19 @ 04:00 PM

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Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

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