MDRGC General Meeting

MDRGC General Meeting

151 151 people viewed this event.

All members of the Club are urged to attend the General Meeting, as your input is invaluable to the direction of the society.

Any “New Business Agenda Items or Motions” need to be submitted a week in advance so due diligence by either the BoE or the BoT can be preformed.  New Business items should be sent to the President of the Board of Executive Tex Mahler.

Be sure to sign in with your membership number and name at the entrance of the main clubhouse doors!

An agenda for the meeting will be place on the table by the sign in sheet.

To register for this event email your details to

Register using webmail: Gmail / AOL / Yahoo / Outlook


Date And Time

2018-09-10 @ 07:30 PM to
2018-09-10 @ 09:30 PM
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Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

© Mission and District Rod and Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.