MDRGC Website Registration Form

This registration form is used by MDRGC Members to buy members and gain access to the “Members Only” section of this website. You must be registered to use the Forum and view posts for Members.

  • User Details

  • Your username will change to your MDRGC membership number after your membership becomes active.
  • This first name MUST match the name on your official government ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT).
  • Your last name MUST the exact name found on your officel government ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT).
  • Upload Please upload a clear headshot of the primary member. This will be used for your membership card.
  • Upload If applicable, please upload a clear headshot of the second adult on your membership plan.
  • Upload If applicable, please upload a clear headshot of the first dependent on your membership plan.
  • Upload If applicable, please upload a clear headshot of the second dependent on your membership plan.
  • Upload If applicable, please upload a clear headshot of the third dependent on your membership plan.
  • Upload If applicable, please upload a clear headshot of the fourth dependent on your membership plan.
  • Select Province
  • Required phone number format: ###-###-####
  • Email List Op-In

    The MDRGC has implemented an email system to allow effective communication with our members. It is mandatory for all members to be subscribed to our email list to receive important updates and information.

    Remember, this is the best way to stay connected for important notices from the club.

    We will NEVER sell your information to a third party for marketing purposes.

  • If you are purchasing a membership that allows for the use of a firearm, you must possess a PAL. Please state yes or no.
  • Current Valid PAL Number of the Primary Member. DO NOT USE NUMBERS TO RIGHT OF DECIMAL.
  • Expiry date of PAL for Primary Member.
  • Does the Primary Member have an RPAL?
  • PLEASE READ CAREFULLY. We are a member run club and Volunteers are essential to our success. If you don't wish to volunteer, we ask for a minimum donation in lieu of volunteering. Please note the amount will be requested when you are purchasing your membership. This is simply for us to know what areas if any you are able to assist with.
  • Specify Other
    Select all shooting disciplines of interest that apply.
  • Select the type of Membership you will be purchasing. This will allow you to enter the names of the family members on the membership if needed. PLEASE USE THE NAME AS IT IS FOUND ON YOUR OFFICIAL PICTURE ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT).
  • Full name of Spouse on a Family or Senior Couple membership. MUST BE EXACTLY AS SHOWN ON GOVERNMENT ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT)
  • Please provide the birthday of the Spouse on any Family type of membership
  • PAL Number of the Spouse on Family or Senior Couple Membership if they posses one
  • PAL Expiry Date of your Spouse
  • Do you possess a Restricted PAL?
  • Full name of First Dependant EXACTLY AS IT APPEARS ON GOVERNMENT ID.
  • REQUIRED INFO: If missing info this could delay the processing of your application. Please provide the birth date of the your first dependent under 18 years of age if on a family membership.
  • Full name of second dependent on a Family membership. This must EXACTLY MATCH THE NAME ON GOVERNMENT ID.
  • REQUIRED INFO: If missing info this could delay the processing of your application. Please provide the birth date of the your 2nd dependent under 18 years of age if on a family membership
  • Full name of third dependent on a Family membership. MUST EXACTLY MATCH NAME ON GOVERNMENT ID.
  • REQUIRED INFO: If missing info this could delay the processing of your application. Please provide the birth date of the your 3rd dependent under 18 years of age if on a family membership
  • Full name of third dependent on a Family membership. MUST MATCH EXACTLY THE NAME ON YOUR GOVERNMENT ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT).
  • REQUIRED INFO: If missing info this could delay the processing of your application. Please provide the birth date of the your 4th dependent under 18 years of age if on a family membership
  • Full name of fifth dependent on a Family membership. MUST MATCH EXACTLY THE NAME ON YOUR GOVERNMENT ID (DL / PAL / PASSPORT).
  • REQUIRED INFO: If missing info this could delay the processing of your application. Please provide the birth date of the your 5th dependent under 18 years of age if on a family membership If you have MORE THAN 5 dependents, please contact the Registrar so we can help you get them entered (:
  • Create a password for your account. Minimum length of 5 characters.
    The password must have a minimum strength of Weak.
    Strength indicator
  • Type your password again.
    In accepting membership at the Mission and District Rod and Gun Club, I agree to abide by the Constitution, By-Laws, Code of Conduct and Regulations. I also agree to follow all safety procedures for the use of all facilities and will use them properly and responsibly.

Memberships are based on a calendar year.  All new members are required to attend an orientation session and failure to do so, will result in forfeit of membership without refund.  Membership cards will be provided after orientation.  Card deposit is refundable if card is returned in good working order.  Prior members who have lapsed for more than one year are required to sign as new members.  Membership types are according to age at January 1st of membership year.



Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

© Mission and District Rod and Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.