2017 Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting December 4th 2017 @ 7:30 pm Reports and a Review of the 2017 year Election of Officers for a two year term 2018 & 2019 : o Vice President o Treasurer o Director of Communications o Director of Social Events o Trustee Rifle o Trustee Pistol o Trustee Shotgun No nominations will be accepted from the floor.…
This post is only available to members.

Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

© Mission and District Rod and Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.