MDRGC General
What are the Club Hours?
Clubhouse: 9am to 3pm Wednesday through Sunday.
Shotgun Range: 10am to 3pm Wednesday through Sunday
All Other Facilities: 9am to 9pm or Sunset, whichever comes first Wednesday through Sunday. Note: the Pistol range has illumination therefore the “sunset” restriction does not apply.
What is the Guest Policy?
All guests must register at the Clubhouse on days when it is open. They will need to purchase a guest pass and wear it at all times at the facility, as well as sign in at each range. When the clubhouse is closed, the fee must be paid at the range the guest is attending and register in the range sign in book.
What are the shooting hours at Rifle?
From 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM or Sunset, which ever occurs first. The Rifle range does not have illumination so shooting stops at Sunset or 9:00pm, which ever occurs first.
Can I shoot a 460 Weatherby, 500 Nitro Express .375 H & H ? 45/70?
The Rifle range is based on the .338 Lapua Magnum Template, so any rounds with a lesser down range distance is legal. The only round not authorized is the 50 BMG or 50 Cal.
Can I use Steel plates on the RIfle Range?
No, Steel is prohibited on the Rifle Range.
Can I use a .22 spinner?
Yes, only commercially manufactured spinner target for .22 only. Targets must be placed in front of a berm so the projectile impacts into the berm. If using the spinner targets on the Pistol Range, they must also be placed in front of a berm; or more than 25m down the range, which is the half point down range. Do not place them on top of the berm.
Is rapid Semi Auto fire allowed?
Yes it is as long as your Muzzle is controlled and all shots impact the berm behind the Target you are engaging. If your Muzzle lifts off the bench or goes sideways you are not controlling the muzzle and an RSO will stop you.
What is the Maximum Number of Rounds I can use in my Center Fire and .22 Rifle?
5 Rounds for Center Fire and whatever is the manufacturers magazine round capacity of the 22 rifle you are using. i.e. some rifle magazines only hold 10 rounds while others can hold up to 25 rounds etc. The GSG 15/16 have a drum magazine that will hold 110 round of 22lr. This is legal capacity at our range, but controlled fire at all times.
Can I use my Shotgun at the Rifle Range?
Shotguns are limited to ** Single Projectile Only Slugs **.
No multiple projectiles (i.e. Buck shot / Bird Shot / SSG’s etc).
Slugs are limited for “sight in” purposes only. Pumping 20 slugs into a target frame will damage club property and is NOT considered sighting in a Shotgun.
Where can I Remove my Rifle from Its Case?
Removing a Rifle from its case is to be done on a shooting bench ONLY.
The muzzle must be pointed down Range at all times.
Can I Move the Target Frames to a Different Distance?
Target frames are to remain where they are positioned in front of the Berms.
** Do not Move the Target Frames **
Can I Use One of the Swing Up Frames in the 300 Butts?
No. Those frames are limited for use in competition shooting and Club 300 Only.
Can I Shoot from Prone?
Yes. There are prone boards available for use on the right side of the shooting area.
Please put the board back from where you got it from and re-cover it.
Is Slug Ammo Allowed Anywhere for Shotgun?
Slug ammunition is ONLY allowed to be used on the Rifle Range. A maximum of 5 shots are allowed at a time to ensure the range is not damaged.
Can I use my Shotgun at the Rifle Range?
Shotguns are limited to ** Single Projectile Only Slugs **.
No multiple projectiles (i.e. Buck shot / Bird Shot / SSG’s etc).
Slugs are limited for “sight in” purposes only. (5 Rounds Maximum) Pumping 20 slugs into a target frame will damage club property and is NOT considered sighting in a Shotgun. Such acitivity would be deemed damaging Club Property!