2017 Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting December 4th 2017 @ 7:30 pm Reports and a Review of the 2017 year Election of Officers for a two year term 2018 & 2019 : o Vice President o Treasurer o Director of Communications o Director of Social Events o Trustee Rifle o Trustee Pistol o Trustee Shotgun No nominations will be accepted from the floor.…

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Draft Minutes for September General Meeting and October Special Members Meeting

The “DRAFT” minutes for the past September General Meeting and the past October Special Members Meeting are available for viewing on the “Members Only Section” of the Club Website. The minutes are the unaccepted version of minutes for the two above meetings that will need to be approved at the November General Meeting. Access to these minutes is through the…

This post is only available to members.

Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

© Mission and District Rod and Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.