A club IDPA match has been scheduled to replace the cancelled Multigun Match Sunday May 26th on the PISTOL Range P1 9:00 am to 4:30 pm, Setup at 8:30 am Interested members should contact Sean Koch and or John Gumienny via the following email: speedsteel@shaw.ca Fees: to be determined
MDRGC IDPA “Beginner Shooter Course” March 16th 2019 from 08:30am to 04:30 pm Course requires a minimum attendance of eight participants to sign up. This course is an introduction to IDPA. (International Defensive Pistol Association) THE PISTOL RANGE WILL BE CLOSED TO ALL, OTHER THAN THOSE PARTICIPATING IN THE COURSE! …
IDPA EVENT UPDATE! The April 14th IDPA first time shooter’s course which has been on the Calendar since November 2017 is now full! Dates for future courses will be posted! Keep an eye on the Club Calendar! Sean Koch IDPA chair multi-gun@shaw.ca
IDPA “First Time Shooter Course” April 14 @ 8:00 am – 5:00 pm Pistol Range is closed for the day from 8:30 am until 5:00 pm 08:30 am till 12:00 Classroom theory (mandatory) 12:00 pm till 4:30 pm Range time Pre-registration will be required Please contact: Sean Koch Muti-gun / IDPA Chair email muti-gun@shaw.ca John…