You must have a valid membership card and your day fee payment

– You will be using the facilities at your own risk

– The club and its Executive Boards are not responsible should you become infected with COVID 19

– Sanitary supplies will be on hand to clean your shooting station

– The wearing of a mask/gloves is highly recommended

– Personal Protective gear is your responsibility not that of the Club or its Executive Boards

– The Clubs washroom will be open from 1000-1500hrs

– The washroom is to be used by 1 person at a time

– Washroom will be cleaned once daily

– Personal distancing, as per standard practices must be observed. (2 meters) 12

– All club safety rules must be followed

– A zero tolerance stance will be enforced by the RSO’s

– There shall not be more than 50 people on property as mandated by regulations

– As responsible firearm owners, the Executive Boards appreciate your understanding and assistance in moving forward within these trying times

Please be kind and respectful to each other, these restrictions can and will change as the provincial authorities amend the conditions, under which we must operate.

Concerns or questions maybe directed to president@mdrgc.ca

Range Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 9PM*

Mon.: 9AM to 9PM*

Tue.:  9AM to 9PM*

Wed.: 9AM to 9PM*

Thu.:  9AM to 9PM*

Fri.:   9AM to 9PM*

Sat.:  9AM to 9PM*

* or sunset whichever comes first - Pistol Range excluded.  (Pistol range is lighted, so you can shoot to 9 PM daily.)

Clubhouse Hours

Sun.:  9AM to 3PM


Tue.:   CLOSED

Wed.: 9AM to 3PM

Thu.:  9AM to 3PM

Fri.:   9AM to 3PM

Sat.:  9AM to 3PM

© Mission and District Rod and Gun Club. All Rights Reserved.