Have you not been successful on a local Blacktail Deer hunt, and wondered why? Here is your chance to learn from a successful mentor Brian Cummings is going to present a seminar on local blacktail deer hunting in the rut. Tuesday, October 16th at 6:45pm to 8:30pm at the clubhouse Both…
Good Day all you Fisher Boys and Girls We have been notified of a “Potential Opening” on Tuesday August 7, 2018, of a recreational fishery that may be available on the Fraser River. We are currently awaiting the official DFO advisory, and will post it as soon as it becomes available. Please ensure…
“Fishing for Sockeye in the Fraser River” Who would be interested in attending a fishing seminar where the focus will be fishing for Sockeye in the mighty Fraser? If we can generate enough interest we will be bringing in some experts from one of the local shops to speak to gear, tips and overall…
Elk Hunting Seminar this is the hunting seminar we have all been waiting for! ELK HUNTING IN BC that is…all over BC, we are rich in ELK. Hunting times and techniques vary across our province. Come out and listen to one of our foremost elk hunters in BC. Brian Cummings will be talking,…
“What you should realize before you go out on your first hunt”. “We all hunt for different reasons but there a common themes, the main ones; being in the outdoors and foraging for food in nature. In addition, it’s the excitement, challenge, peace/quiet, ambiance of scenery, the camp fire, the company of good friends, and for…
The winner of this years Tunkwa Lake fishing derby was Carson Grant with a 2 lb 8 oz trout. Congratulations Carson who was also the youngest fisher there. Carson and his brother Conner were also this years Mission & District Rod & Gun Club junior delegates at the B.C. Wildlife Federation Convention. The weather…
Elk Hunting Seminar Would you like to attend an Elk hunting seminar at our club. If we can get a group of interested potential elk hunters to commit to attending a seminar by a very experienced elk hunter and outdoor teacher he will come and present to us. Brian was hunting with his partner only…
MDRGC Annual “Rainbow Trout” Fishing Derby June 8th through 10th 2018 The fishing derby will be held on June 9th from 6am to 6pm Derby Fee is $25.00 (Youth Grade 12 and under are free) Awarding of the Derby Winners, and draw for “A Lot of Prizes” to held at the Derby Dinner (provided with…
The 2018 LEH is now available ! Make your application now!!! https://www2.gov.bc.ca/assets/gov/sports-recreation-arts-and-culture/outdoor-recreation/fishing-and-hunting/hunting/limited-entry-hunting/leh-regulations-synopsis-2018-2019.pdf The 2018/2019 BC Hunting Regulations will be available before June. Kerr McConnell, Chair Hunting & Fishing
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED AS A RESULT OF DATE CONFLICT WITH THE PRESENTER. WILL UPDATE AS SOON AS RESCHEDULED! Fraser River Fishing Opportunities May 1st 2018 @ 7:00 pm Vic Carrao from STS Guiding Services will be presenting on opportunities for fishing on the Fraser River —Where to fish —Gearing up —Species available —Ethical…